Interview: Lynne Brooke, Social Stock Exchange and ethical investing

Is capitalism broken and if so, can it be “rescued for good?” In this new interview Lynne Brooke, guest on my latest Sheffield Live radio show, gives a robust argument in favour of impact investing and business as a force for good.

During the programme, broadcast just days after construction and outsourcing giant Carillion entered liquidation, Lynne covers:

  • The Social Stock Exchange (a platform for firms dedicated to providing a positive social and environmental impact, and financial return) and the NEX Exchange (an independent recognised investment exchange, regulated by the FCA, for ethical, lower value companies than the London Stock Exchange, including start-ups). How do they work?
  • Impact measurement and reporting;
  • How working with The Social Stock Exchange has benefited some of Lynne’s clients;
  • Impact investing, and what do we mean when we apply the label of “ethical” to investment?
  • Social Enterprise Tax Relief – and legal structures;
  • Collaboration and raising capital.

Interested in levering investment into social enterprise, in how business can be a force for good, or in measuring impact? Then listen to the podcast, below.

Timings (music played on radio show removed from podcast):

  • 0 – 8:17 introduction and updates, including Carillion collapse; UK Minister for Loneliness appointed; environmental and business success for Hakima Mohammed in Kenya; business support for Sheffield’s Cathedral Archer Project secures cycle “lifeline;”
  • 8:17 – 34:30 Lynne Brooke, part 1: introduction to The Social Stock Exchange and  NEX Exchange; impact reporting and investing; examples: London Rebuilding Society and Home from Home Care; how to define “ethical” investment; music break (music removed from podcast)
  • 34:30 – 45:20: Lynne Brooke part 2: Sheffield; collaboration; definition and structure of a social enterprise (and which structures qualify for social investment tax relief);
  • 45:20 – 46:45 closing remarks and how to be on the show.

What next?

  • More about my Business Live radio show. Meanwhile if you like reading useful, practical advice – that’s also entertaining, then you’re welcome to join my free newsletter email list (if you’re not already signed up). Just pop your details in below.
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